Active Dogs


Titles: TF, FDX
Breed:  Border Collie Mix
First Flyball Title: 2019
Birthdate: 12/15/17
Handler: Karen Brandon



Aero is a rescue from Northern California Border Collie Rescue.  He is a sweet Border Collie/Collie mix with a giant fluffy tail and piercing blue eyes.  He had a slow start to flyball due to elbow dysplasia surgery at 8 months old.  His slow start helped develop a nice turn and good tug drive. We are so grateful for his success in recovery.   He loves to swim and dive more than anything else in the world. He likes the beach, hiking and flyball a lot, but most off all, Aero loves a good nap!

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Titles:   TF-I

Breed:  Mix

First Flyball Title: 2019

Handler: Erin Hamond



Dakota is a 1 1/2 year old rescue dog. She is a Jack Russell/Italian Greyhound mix. She loves Flyball but is still learning how to put it all together. She is a people pleaser who loves attention when she does something right. She has come a long way from getting over her shyness and being afraid of everything. In her spare time she likes to chase birds and bugs and roughhouse with her brother Roscoe. 


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Titles: TFE

Breed:  Mix

First Flyball Title: 2018

Handler: Susan Fischer



Heidi is in training for flyball and agility. She is a smooth hair border collie mix thought to be of working herding lines since she loves to circle and herd people, goats, sheep and even mini ponies. She was recently rescued from northern California at 11 to 12 months old.


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Tempest Rock You like a Hurricane aka Hurri
Titles:  TFFC-I, FDCh-G
Breed:  Border Collie
First Flyball Title: 2014
Birthdate: December 19, 2012
Handler: Karen Brandon

Hurri is a fun, energetic, and easy dog.  He came to us from the Heat Wave family of flyball parents and siblings. We swear he was preprogrammed for anything we wanted him to do.  He loves racing, but he also loves to swim, go to the beach and hike.  If you come over to our house, do not touch the toy he brings you unless you are prepared for hours of throwing.  He can be a loud mouth when he wants to play.   He is also a bit of a drama king. He hates these 3 phrases-“are you an actor?”, ”are you Mexican?” and “did you pack?”-we don’t know why!
Hurri is a great leader and helps us train new dogs in flyball and also sets an example for foster dogs, visiting dogs and puppies at home.   He loves both Beau and Karen equally and is very fair with his hugs and affection.  Tell him “Roar” and he will jump into your arms. 

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Jasper C

Breed:  Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Titles:  TFE-II, FDCh-S

First Flyball Title: 2016

Handler:  Debra Landes



We brought Jasper home when he was 8 weeks old. We threw a toy across the room; he ran after it, brought it back and dropped it at our feet. He has been playing fetch ever since. He is relentless about it. He goes to work with mom every day and loves to corner co-workers at the copier and insist that they play with him. We did not know what to do with such a high energy toy driven puppy. So when he was just over 1 ½ years old we introduced him to Flyball. He loves it and is so focused.  It has been a great outlet for all of his energy and he is a much better dog because of it. He is a very sweet boy, loves everybody he meets and loves to give kisses behind the ears.


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Breed:  Mix

Titles:  TFFC-I, FDCh-G

First Flyball Title: 2013

Handler: Rebecca Aiken



My name is Kendyll and I am an Australian Kelpie mix born on September 12, 2009. My mom, Rebecca, rescued me from the animal shelter on the day I turned 14 months old. I have always loved people and I get excited to meet every new person I can. I have had some issues getting along with other dogs but we found a great trainer that helped me learn how to be around other dogs and now I get along with most of them especially once I get to know and trust them.

My first canine sport was lure coursing, I just love to chase and everyone always said how fast I was! But that was a hard sport since I didn’t understand that I had to wait my turn and let the other dogs take their turns. I got so excited I couldn’t relax at all and my mom thought I would give myself a heart attack. My next sport was agility, which I caught onto really quickly and enjoyed very much. But I was so fast my mom had a hard time keeping up with me sometimes.  I learned all the obstacles very quickly and wasn’t afraid of anything.

Then my mom decided we should try Flyball and we met this great team, SD Flyball, in February of 2013. After a few short months of practice I entered my first tournament in April in Fresno, CA. It didn’t start off well as I decided to chase my competition, but as the weekend wore on, I finally got the hang of it with the help of my dog friends, and made my first clean runs. I did well enough that weekend to earn my first title, and mom was very proud. Since then, I have run in a lot of other tournaments and haven’t chased any more dogs! In September of 2013 I traveled to Las Vegas and did so well that Beau said I wasn’t a ‘green dog’ anymore.  I have run very consistently since then except for the occasional blooper (everybody has them).  My favorite teammates are the border collies, I bark at them a lot and some of them bark back!   I also love our height dogs so I can go faster over the lower jumps, my sister Kiyah is one of them and sometimes we get to race together.  Since having my toe surgery in 2015, I have run faster and faster.  I posted personal bests in 2016, my mom and Aunt Karen were so surprised when they saw my times, I was very proud of myself and I hope to continue to run like that as my foot no longer hurts.  I keep earning titles and have lots of fun at practice and at the races.  I hope I continue to run clean and I am working on my turn at the box (although it is looking much better) so I can be even faster!  I am looking forward to many more years of flyball with all of my people and dog friends…

Besides playing flyball, I am also a Nosework dog and have earned several titles and am working on becoming an Elite dog one day.  I also love Fiesta Island where I run and run and then I swim a lot to cool down! I also love to go hiking with my friends, go out on the town with my mom and Kiyah and then I rest in my mom’s bathtub during my down time because it is my favorite place in the house.


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Titles:   TFE-I, FDX

Breed:  Border Collie

First Flyball Title: 2018

Handler: Cheryl MacDonald



To come


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Titles: TF

Breed:  American Eskimo Mix

First Flyball Title:  2019

Handler: Sydney Sherlock Costantino



Parmesan is an American Eskimo mix and was adopted on 2/7/15, and was about 1.5 years old also a hand full, with that Eski attitude. Parm was a smart cookie from the start and started to learn party tricks, like waving, playing dead, jumping through hoops, and more. He started flyball in the same year (2015), he picked it up just as quick, but the whole bringing the ball back. After lots of trial and error, we found one ball that he does like, even getting a nick name ‘Flying cheese’ but truth be told, Parmesan is a total mama’s boy.

He hasn’t quite made it to the teams yet, but he is having fun while trying to get there!


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Titles:  TF

Breed:  Mixed Breed

First Flyball Title:  2018

Handler: Sydney Sherlock Costantino



Peppermint’s a mutt, any breed you think she is, you can see it, and was adopted on 5/3/14, she was about 1.5 years old, and a love from day one. Peppermint has been perfect from the start, and is smart as a whip, sometimes a little stubborn, but makes up for it with kisses. She will lick your face raw if you let her. She started flyball not too long after her brother, Parmesan, in 2015. She loved the ball part of it, but the going back to mom was another story, tell she found her tug and then it was game over.

She hasn’t quite made it onto teams yet, but is still trying to get there!


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NAFA Stats Page


Titles:  TFE, FDX

Breed:  Mix

First Flyball Title: 2016

Handler: Erin Hammond



Roscoe is a 4 yr old rescue dog. He is a Jack Russell/Beagle “Jackabe” mix.   He is a very energetic dog that loves Flyball. When he’s not doing zoomies at Flyball, he loves to go on daily walks and run around Fiesta Island Dog Park with his sister Dakota. 


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Titles:  TF-III

Breed:  Mix

First Flyball Title: 2019

Handler: Liz and Scott Papineau



Tau is a rescue from Labs and More in Southern California. He is a bouncy, energetic German Shepard/Boxer mix. He loves all things active: flyball, hiking, running with his furry friends, fetching balls and goofing off. Tau has been participating in flyball for about a year and loves the game. I plan to introduce him to barn yard hunting this year. He is probably the best and most engaging dog I have ever been blessed with. He is never too far from Mom or Dad and has been a great addition to our family. 


 U-FLI Stats Page

NAFA Stats Page


Titles:  TF-II, FDX

Breed:  Mix

First Flyball Title: 2017

Handler: James Mackay



Teddy is 2 yr cocker spaniel cross rescue dog. Been training for a year and has started competing. He loves Flyball and appears to be getting very competitive, under the watchful eye of the trainers!


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Titles:  TFP-I, FDCh-S

Breed:  Border Collie

First Flyball Title: 2016

Handler: Lyn Sandkaut



We adopted ten-month old Zoe in March 2015 from Arizona Border Collie Rescue.  Zoe is a girl on the go and loves everyone and is curious about everything.  She is totally obsessed with the tennis ball to the point where we have to hide them – she would rather have a tennis ball than food – and food is right up there with her favorite things!  Zoe loves to be where the action is and she’s crazy about flyball and her big brother Zak. 


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