SD Flyball welcomes all breeds. We ask that your dog have a good recall, work well around other dogs, can be handled by other people, and is current on vaccinations. Your dog should be fit for its breed.
Before attending team practice, dogs must complete four private Introduction to Flyball classes for $80, scheduled at your convenience. After the four sessions we will evaluate your dog to see if he/she is a good fit for the team. And you can decide if this is the sport for you.
If you determine that flyball is for you, and you can make the commitment to your dog and the team, we may ask you to join SD Flyball as a club member. Membership dues are $100 per year, with $50 being payable in each January and July. The membership dues help with covering the costs of equipment, insurance, rental of the practice field, etc. We will also ask you to purchase a team shirt (details will be provided once membership is confirmed).
We believe that participating in tournaments is an important aspect of belonging to this type of club and reaping the benefits of team spirit and camaraderie. We understand, however, that some team members may not always be able to travel to tournaments held out of town due to work commitments, family obligations, or financial considerations (all travel expenses are the responsibility of each team member).